Guardians could be family members or loved ones looking after a patient. They have a unique account populated with info pertaining to the patient they are looking out for.
The health of your loved one is our greatest priority. As a guardian, you play an active role in making sure your loved one is up to date with medications, health, doctor's and nurse's recommendations. With doctaz, you will be able to help your patient or loved one with scheduling or approving, appointments, alerts and video consultations, as needed, to make sure they get the doctor’s and nurses’ instructions and prescriptions correctly.
By default, patient accounts are configured to allow viewing access of their medical records by their guardian. The patient is also informed about this while in the process of creating a guardian's account. However, we did add a functionality that allows any patient to revoke this access even to guardian accounts associated with that patient.
Credit is the digital currency used on Doctaz. Patients require to have at least some amount of credits in their digital wallets in order to schedule in-person appoinments, and video call doctors and nurses. We added the option for a guardian to help refill a loved ones digital wallet.
With our conference call module on our video chat system, guardians can easily get invite links to join calls. This is especially usefull if they want to be in the loop of all that is happening health-wsie with their loved ones.