Healthcare - Registration

Register as a Healthcare Facility

Upload the logo of your facility.
Please enter the name of your facility.
Please enter a valid email address for your facility.
Create a strong password for your account.
Enter a contact number for your facility.
Select the country where your facility is located.
The currency will be set automatically based on the selected country.
Start typing the address to your facility.
Enter the name of the representative of the facility.
Enter your role with this facility
Enter a contact number for the representative.
Please enter the number of rooms at your facility. You will need to name each room.
Please enter the number of doctors working at your facility.
Please enter the number of nurses working at your facility.
Select the types of doctors available at your facility. For each selected type, you will need to specify the number of such doctors at your facility.
Select the types of nurses available at your facility. For each selected type, you will need to specify the number of such nurses at your facility.

Choose Your Subscription Plan

Select a subscription plan for your facility. Review the plan details before proceeding.